Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Post #1

Just recently I've began reading and enjoying the blog world. I thought it would be a fun adventure to start my own little blog. My hope is to have a fun blog that captures my life where it is right now. A young woman in Oregon, just starting out her career. Loves living in Oregon and wishes she spent more time outdoors. Has a wonderfully close family and supportive Church family. Enjoys all sorts of crafts and wishes she could spend more time on them. Loves business, but one day hopes to spend most of her time giving to others. Has 2 amazing nieces and is adding 2 more (nieces or nephews) to the bunch soon.

So this blog may end up being an array of all sorts of different things, but I hope that it inspires you to spend more time with the ones you love doing the things you love. Life is too short and God has blessed us so wonderfully.

I'm excited for this new adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Cathy, Congratulations on your new blog! I hope you love the blogging world as much as I do. I'm signing on to follow and look forward to keeping up with Growing Up Oregon. Hugs, Marla
